Mugi’s Paradise

A Kenyan Country Vocational Home

Mugi’s Paradise ©  2012 All rights reserved  Terms and Conditions Disclaimer

This Website is primarily designed to enhance Mugi’s Paradise ability to communicate information to the public, and its clients.


The information provided is general and should not in any event be used as a basis for making significant business decisions without the user contacting Mugi’s Paradise or for more accurate and up-to-date information.


While the information on this site is intended to be correct and accurate, Mugi’s Paradise  does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy for several reasons including but not limited to time delays incurred in completing necessary updates and possible unauthorized alterations of information by third parties.


Mugi’s Paradise  assumes no legal responsibility or liability for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information available through this website.


Any conclusions that users draw from the information presented here are deemed to be theirs and are not to be attributed to Mugi’s Paradise.



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